Yesterday, I attended Focus on Imaging. My main aim was to have a look at the 5D MkIII and 1D X (although I never did get the chance to see the 1D X in the end). A few days before the exhibition, I received an invite from Canon Professional Services (as did all members) to attend a presentation/demonstration on a first come first served basis, so I rushed to the CPS area on arrival to book my session. I have written this article as a first impression, as well as some insight, opinions and impressions of the CPS representative.
The session lasted one hour, during which time, the rep gave an overview of some of the salient features and compared it to the 1D X, to which it arguably most resembles. However, we didn’t have a chance to compare it to the 1D X at that time, although there was both the MkIII and the 5D MkII side by side and both with the appropriate grips attached. Also available were the new flash and radio transmitter, along with the new GPS/Ethernet/Bluetooth unit (which has some useful features of its own). Although to be honest, none of the six people in our session gave much more than a second glance to those. The group seemed to consist of a wildlife photographer, a landscape photographer and a wedding/events photographer, so it was a bit of a range, besides my main interests of wildlife and landscape. We were able to ask questions and play with the camera, but there wasn’t a card in any of the slots. The rep also gave some insights on some of the design decisions that were made and some of the shortcomings and the reasons for them. He came across as very honest, but he also admitted that he’d only received the camera the night before, so his testing was limited.
Ergonomics and Aesthetics
When I first picked the camera up, apart from the extra heft with the attached battery grip, it felt very familiar. It’s much more curvaceous than the MkII and looks and feels very much like the 7D as you’d expect. The buttons are pretty much as have been seen in all the pictures that have been flying around since its first “unveiling” in Kenya. All in all, no surprises. One of the others in the group didn’t like the feel, as he said it felt too much like a Nikon, although I would disagree with that assessment, as I find Nikon cameras to be quite blocky in comparison, although I haven’t held too many of them.
Menus and Buttons
These have changed considerably. The menu headings themselves are brightly coloured and more modern looking, although in some ways, this makes them look a bit like something you would see on a child’s toy, with the fluorescent pinks and greens (although I could be remembering the actual colours wrong). They actually look very much like the images of the 1D X menus that have been seen. In use though, they are a definite improvement, although they will take a bit of getting used to. Each of the different areas are divided into sections, in some ways like the old menus, but instead of drilling down in the same way, there are a number of top level pages within each section, which can be scrolled through using the joystick; this will mean much less key presses and quicker access, once you find out where everything is. I didn’t spend a great deal of time looking through the menus, but I liked what I saw overall.
The buttons didn’t show any surprises, as they are all visible on the leaked images. The new Rate button is pretty much as you’d expect, you press it once for 1 star, twice for 2 stars and so on up to 5 stars. The Rate system is designed to be fully compatible with the likes of Lightroom and Photoshop. The other new button, is the edit button. This allows in camera editing of RAW images. We didn’t go into too much detail, but I could see it being a useful feature for the likes of photojournalists, if they ever decided to shoot in RAW. I didn’t look at the new Creative+ mode on the new dial. I also completely forgot to try out the new lock. The zooming into images will probably also take a bit of getting used to, but there are various options in the menu to adjust the zoom behaviour, allowing direct view at the pixel level if required, with a single press of the zoom and turn of the top dial.
This is probably the hottest topic in the 5D MkIII. It was very difficult to do any real testing, but it seemed more responsive than the MkII in the same conditions (hardly difficult to achieve). Here the rep gave us some insights. He was saying that one of the hardest things for any camera to focus on, is a series of vertical lines, such as those found on radiators. This isn’t something I’ve paid much attention to (it simply doesn’t match any type of shooting I would normally do). He didn’t say exactly what his test was (but I suspect it involved radiators in low light), but apparently, he has devised a very demanding test of the autofocus system in low light conditions. He said that only one (Canon obviously) camera has passed that test, with the ability to focus most of the time and that was the 1D X, but it took it about 1 second to lock on. The 5D MkIII also failed, although he seemed to suggest that it was able to lock focus almost half the time. At this point, one of the others asked about the speed of the AF on the MkIII in comparison to other cameras. The first comparison was to the 1D X. The rep said that the 5D MkIII has slower AF than the 1D X (unsurprisingly), but he said the main reason was the fact that it only has a single DIgic 5+, instead of the three processors in the 1D X. However, he said it is the fastest focusing non-1 series camera. Someone then asked about the 1Ds MkIII as a comparison, to which he replied that the 1Ds MkIII was slightly quicker for a single point. Whether that means he hadn’t compared multi-points or whether the 5D MkIII was faster for multi-points I’m not sure.
Then came the inevitable question, the issue of f/8 focusing. This was where, he had a prepared explanation, that had been explained to him and as it was discussed, he offered his own personal viewpoint and impression, based on what he’d been told. He explained that the new focus sensors were larger, which enabled much more accuracy in low light compared to the 1D MkIV and other cameras. It was the enlargement of these sensors that has led to the compromise of losing f/8. His impression was, that it was a physical limitation and not firmware, but he didn’t know for sure and couldn’t rule out the possibility. However, he did say, that if it could be adjusted by a firmware update, then it would likely affect low light AF accuracy in his opinion. It was at this point, that the person asking about f/8 AF stated that it was always a bit iffy anyway and couldn’t be guaranteed in any way. The rep said, if the accuracy was only 20% would it be acceptable and I think the consensus was no. In low light, the 5D MkIII should have the most accurate low light focusing of any Canon camera, with the excecption of the 1D X.
Next came the new AF presets for different scenarios. He went through them, with the comment from the wildlife photographer, that wildlife is always missed out. The reply was, that there is supposed to be a firmware update in the future, with a preset for wildlife scenarios.
ISO Sensitivity and Noise
This was something that I couldn’t test in the demo, but I did manage to make some quick and dirty comparisons to my 5D MkII afterwards, in the same lighting conditions and similar images. However, some impressions and comments from the rep first. Canon are stating that there is a two stop improvement in noise levels compared to the MkII. I asked for clarification on whether that was with noise reduction or with noise reduction switched off. The slightly cryptic reply was, that he always leaves NR switched off. He also stated that the 1D X has an extra 1 stop over the 5D MkIII. In addition, they are still tweaking, so that could improve further in the released version. Apparently, earlier groups seemed to think that the MkIII had a 3 stop advantage over the 5D MkII.
My impression from the quick testing I did, based on the image on the LCD screen (the card slots were taped up), seemed to show that the MkIII had slightly more noise at ISO 25,600, than the MkII did at ISO 6400. I would therefore suggest an improvement of around 1.5 stops, but that is still pretty good, even if it doesn’t match the 2 stops claimed and it could be that I was mistaken or that the new screen allows visualisation more easily. Also, I had the 24mm f/1.4 MII on my 5D MkII, with the 24-70 (original) on the MkIII, so the comparison was skewed slightly towards the MkII, due to the higher quality lens. Incidentally, the focus accuracy looked to be ok.
Sensor, Image Quality and Dynamic Range
Let’s get the hot topic out the way first. I’m sad to say, I was slightly distracted, through playing with the menus, when he was asked about DR, so I didn’t hear the full answer. I did hear that he hadn’t had a chance to test the DR on the 5D MkIII, but I think he said, that the 1D X has a 1 stop improvement in DR, but I could be wrong there.
He went into quite a bit of depth on image quality. While he didn’t mention Nikon, it was obvious who he was referring to when he mentioned a 36 MP camera. Canon have developed the philosophy that 22 MP is good enough at the moment, as high resolution sensors require faster shutter speeds to prevent motion blur. He commented that many people who had been using the 5D MkII and then used the 7D had this problem, realising they needed to use faster shutter speeds to freeze the motion of even relatively slow moving subjects (he went on to explain shutter speeds that were required to freeze a bride walking down some stairs, that seemed a little spurious, but the main point was valid). He also mentioned that many of the older lenses wouldn’t cope with high resolution sensors and that Canon didn’t want their customers to have to replace large numbers of their lenses, just because they were getting a high resolution camera. He then went on to say that lenses released in the last 4-5 years would be able to cope with a high resolution sensor (i.e. in the 36 MP range). This supports my theory that Canon may be waiting to upgrade more of their lenses before releasing a higher resolution sensor.
Next, he mentioned the thinner anti-alias fliter. This has allowed an algorithm within Digital Photo Professional (DPP), that essentially reverse-engineers the blur caused by the filter and lens, by following the light path, allowing higher levels of sharpness and greater definition, this is called Lens Optimizer. There is also in camera chromatic aberration correction (probably JPEG only).
I won’t say too much about the metering, other than it is less sophisticated than the 1D X and the same as the 7D. Apparently, it was motorsports shooters who asked for the colour metering, to help with the difficult metering of reds and greens. The rep mentioned that Ferrari red was notoriously difficult to focus on. It is also linked to the AF points to improve metering of the subject.
Build Quality
When asked about weather sealing, he stated it was at the same level as the 7D. When asked what that meant, he mentioned that he likes to shoot timelapse photography of thunderstorms (each to their own I suppose :P). With the 1 series cameras, he is happy to leave them out all night in heavy rain. The 7D, he is happy to leave out for 3-4 hours, while the 5D MkII, he wouldn’t leave out for half an hour. This was carried through to the new battery grip. On the MkII, you could see daylight between the grip and camera, but the new grip has a much tighter seal with the camera body and is moulded to the shape of the bottom of the camera. This helps to prevent the use of the grip being a weak point in adverse weather conditions.
The sound quality of the shutter is much improved over the MkII. It is a softer and higher pitched sound. Also, the MkIII has a silent shutter mode, which is unique, as even the 1D X doesn’t have it. It is much quieter than the normal shutter (ten times quieter in fact). He was then asked how it worked. In the 5D MkII, a motor raised the mirror, which was then allowed to fall by gravity, but the MkIII mirror is raised and lowered by a motor. There are a couple of downsides to the silent mode (one I’ve forgotten, it was that important), the frame rate drops to 3 fps. This is still almost as quick as the MkII and I would say that it’s unlikely that you would need a fast frame rate in situations where the quiet mode was important (I remember having the feeling that the second downside wouldn’t be a hardship in those situations either).
One other thing I’ll mention in this section, involves the viewfinder. Like the 7D and 1D X, it uses a transmissive LCD overlay. Now I find the 7D harder to focus manually, but he said that the MkIII is easier to focus than the MkII, only by using it will we find out if this is true.
Overall Impression
During the short time I was able to see the 5D MkIII, I was very impressed with the overall feel. The ISO sensitivity and noise levels stand out as some of the main features, but also of course the AF system. This is exactly the same as the 1D X, but is slower due to only having the single processor. For wildlife, I think it is ideal. It isn’t often that the motor drive is needed, I think I can count on both hands in two and a half years, the number of times that I have needed it on the 7D and if the AF matches the specs, then that will be a huge improvement, as will the IQ from the full frame sensor. The downside is the loss of reach from the crop factor, but I can keep the 7D to cover that problem. For landscapes, it will give me what I have now and probably a bit more too, especially if the DR is improved. If I was shooting primarily landscape photography, then it probably wouldn’t be worth the upgrade, but for wildlife, it will expand on what I can achieve, with improved AF and improved ability to shoot crepuscular subjects in low light.
For those who want full frame, but either can’t afford the 1D X or don’t need the extra features the 1D X has and shoot anything other than (or as well as) landscapes, then the 5D MkIII is the obvious upgrade path, but if you need the weather proofing bullet proof AF or any of the other features of the 1D X (such as the new anti-pixel blur), then that is the only option. Many who had ordered two 1D X’s, are now considering changing their pre-orders to one of each camera.
I’m sure there are some things I missed (we elected to skip the video bits) and there are other things that will come to light as more people see the camera and reps become more used to it, but hopefully this gives some insights into my first impression.
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Thanks for the review.
I have been in the market for a DSLR for a few years now, and have not yet bought one.
I still use my trusty F1n, but a year couple of years back got a bridge camera, Panasonic DMC FZ50, after deciding I was done with SLR’s.
Well a few years down the line and the limitations of the panasonic are really starting to show.
For me this buy will be a Want rather than ‘need’ It has been a toss up between the Nikon or the 5DMk II. Wanted canon, but the 3.9FPS and focus of the MkII put me off a bit…the MkII has changed that….
Wallet, look out here I come 🙂
A couple of months ago, I listened to a talk by a photogapher in his eighties. He made the comment, that you don’t have to spend a fortune on camera gear and that the time to upgrade is when you start feeling limited by your current equipment. I would say by your comment, that you have reached that stage, so arguably it is as much a need as a want.
I really felt I needed to go back to a proper SLR two years back. I spent 20 mins creeping/crawling across a salt marsh, between reeds, in Oman to get to some Flamingos. First shot or so , great..but as soon as they took off..the Panasonic was just not up to the speed of movement. probably 1 or 2 frames per second and auto focus that could not cope. I would have done better with my F1n. Similar situation end of last sumer in Algonquin Park in Canada, Moose across the other side of a lake in early morning half light. Did not stand a chance with the Panasonic.
Been to the local dealer this morning and they reckon 6 or 7 days before they get their first three in. Now to choose a lens…
It’s a combination of shutter lag and frame rate. The MkIII will give you improvements on both. If you’re shooting wildlife, then the 100-400 is a good start, it is just about long enough (although longer is better) and not too badly priced as a starting point. There are other affordable options, but they are either lesser quality or not long enough. I used the 100-400 for quite a while, although I use a 300mm f/2.8 with 1.4x extender now, so rarely use the 100-400.
Thanks for the preview – very useful.
I have the EF 100-400mm. How much better (sharper) would you say that the EF 300mm F2.8 + 1.4x extender is in comparison?
My feeling is, that the 300 with extender is significantly sharper, but others say that the 100-400 is sharper. It could be down to individual copies and tolerances. The biggest advantages for me though are the much faster focusing and the extra stop. I also have the option of f/2.8 in low light, which I sometimes use with the 5D MkII toincrease options when it is getting darker.
Why would the AF for single shot, one point mode be slower than that on the 1Ds3 if the, as Canon has stated, elsewhere, that the dedicated AF CPU in the 5D3 is 4x faster than the one in even the 1D4 and if the actually AF sensor design of the 5D3/1DX AF chip’s baselines should allow for quicker focusing? If the rep really did know what he was talking about in that regard, then why does the 5D3 cost $500 more than the Nikon (which uses the full-level D4 AF and metering and a new sensor technology)?
That’s not something I can answer, but the 1 series cameras do have two (or three in the 1d X) CPUs. As for the 5D MkIII costing $500 more than the D800 meaing that the rep didn’t know what he was talking about, sorry, but that just isn’t logical. However, he did say, that he isn’t a marketing person and the cost is really irrelevant to him, his job is to point towards the right camera for what the photographer needs. He actually recommended the 5D MkIII over the 1D X if you didn’t need some of the extra features that the 1D X provides. Likewise, my impressions were based purely on the camera and not how much it costs. Would I like it to be cheaper? Yes of course I would, but equally, it is a big improvement over both the 7D and the 5D MkII, in many ways. If I didn’t need two bodies to avoid missing a shot, then I would sell both the 7D and the 5D MkII to fund it. I’d like the price to come down before ordering, but I think that will take a while.
Thinking about your question about AF speed, There could be three reasons. The first was simply that he was mistaken, after all he’d only had the camera less than 24 hours, so he hadn’t done any scientific testing and it was his impression from experience using the 1Ds MkIII. The second could be that the AF algorithm used by the new AF system could be more complex, requiring more processing power and the third could be that the mechanical and electronic support components could be of a lesser grade (which is probably quite likely). It could also be a combination of all three. The other thing to bear in mind, as he had only used it indoors or perhaps in his back garden, I doubt he would have had a chance to test tracking speed.
Per Planet 5D
In the preview meeting, Chuck briefly mentioned something about a “dedicated AF microprocessor” – is that a Digic 4 like on the Canon EOS-1D X?
CW: The DIGIC 4 in the 1D X is used for that camera’s 100,000 pixel RGB metering sensor. It is not a dedicated AF microprocessor. Both the 1D X and the 5D Mark III use dedicated AF microprocessors; these AF microprocessors are not DIGIC chips.
here is the link
Thanks, I read about the dedicated AF processor in the CPS article as well. It seems like the slower AF c.f. the 1D X is largely due ot difference in power from the batteries.
I had been looking at the 100-300 and then got my hands on one this afternoon at the local aero club where one of the spotters had one on his MkII.
My problem is one of budget. i was hitting my budget limits with the cost of a extra £1k or more without lens for the MkIII is going to push things.
Although I want a lens mainly for wildlife, I still need the camera for general purpose shots as a ‘personal camera’. so 28-300…but that is not even in the running cost wise
Thinking I am going to have to forgo a big lens for now and lo0k at maybe the f4 24-105 and a 2x convertor. The big lenses are out of my price range for a year or two…and my old FD lenses will not be of any use here!!
One thing to be aware of, I don’t think the 24-105 is compatible with the extenders. Other options, if you don’t mind using your feet to zoom, are the 135 f/2 and the 200 f/2.8, they are both good value for money, much sharper than the 24-105 and are compatible with extenders. The 200 f/2.8 is a similar price to the 24-105 too. The lack of wideangle and normal could be an issue though.
How would a 35 – 350 be do you think..OK so it is not IS but , it keeps my budget down if I can get a used on. And it covers all I need focal length wise
Be aware that the 35-350 has been discontinued for quite some years. Canon do not repair such lenses – one reason being any needed spare parts would be out of production). Secondly there is no IS (which is very nice at the longer end).
But if it is cheap and you are willing to take the risk… 🙂
Consider the 400mm F5.6 – not that expensive and pretty sharp.
Takk Søren.
I don’t have any knowledge of the 35-350, but the 400 f/5.6 is highly regarded, despite the lack of IS. I believe it’s also quite a bit cheaper than the 100-400.
Chuck Westfall has been interviewed about the focus systems on the 1dx and 5dIII, read about it here.
Some other helpful links
Brent Stirton professional photog on using the 5dm3
this is a link to everything you could know about all their cameras
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