A Journey with Nature Available on the Blurb UK Site

Recently, Blurb, the original self-publication bookstore, expanded their services to include a UK based website. I have now updated my bookstore to allow purchase of the print versions of my book (one text only and the other illustrated with photographs), as well as an updated iPad version. The prices are £2.49 for the iPad (or iPhone/Mac) version, from £5.00 for the text only version and from £24.95 for the illustrated version. I also have a limited number of paperback copies of the two text versions, for sale locally, at £4.50 for the text only and £23.00 for the illustrated version.

http://www.blurb.co.uk/bookstore/detail/2236892 (iPad and Illustrated)
http://www.blurb.co.uk/my/book/detail/2237116 (Text only)

Apple iBook Version of A Journey with Nature is Available

As the electronic version for Amazon’s Kindle seems to be more popular than the print version, I have now updated my Blurb shop to offer an iPad and iPhone version of “A Journey with Nature” for sale. Unlike the version on Kindle, this is is full colour, with all the photographic images used to illustrate the large format print version.

The book itself, charts my experiences while tavelling and watching the natural world, starting in Nepal and following my journey in Scotland and Somerset.

Why not consider it as a Christmas present?


First Book Published on Blurb

I have just published my first book on Blurb. It’s been a project for a while now, but the past week or so, I finally put the finishing touches together. It’s basically an account of my experiences with nature, both at home in the UK and in Nepal back in 1994. As an added touch, I have also included a number of photographs.
