Illumina at Hestercombe Gardens

During the nights of 7-9th and 14-16th of September, Hestercombe Gardens has a special series of events. Ulf Pedersen, having spent some time creating some artistic light shows with Power Plant, is creating his Illumina project. The gardens are being illuminated with lights shows, as well as having a series of projections, some moving.

During the evening of September 6th, a press event and preview show was staged, so that any last minute hitches could be ironed out and I was lucky enough to be invited to take photographs, along with another member of the Sydenham Camera Club.

For anyone interested, details of the show and information about entry can be found on the link below.

Winter Weather Returns

It’s been an unusual winter so far in the UK. We often get cold weather (if not in the same league as parts of North America and Central and Eastern Europe), but this year has been unusual because it’s been so cold, so early and for so long. The cold weather first hit last month and was deemed the earliest widespread snow for 17 years, although, we largely missed the snow, getting less than half an inch one night, except in parts of Somerset where they got much more. We certainly haven’t missed the extreme cold and ice however, not to mention freezing fog on a couple of occasions. Over the next couple of days though, it seems we are likely to get heavy snow, as the cold waether returns after a few days respite (a balmy 7 or 8 Celsius).

Last Tuesday brought weather conditions I’d never seen before, even though we used to get much colder and snowier weather when I was a child, than in recent years. Although, I wasn’t able to make full use of the conditions, due to a late parcel delivery, I was able to observe feeding birds in my back garden, including a robin (Erithacus rubecula) feeding on mealworms and hunting for other food in front of some Pyracantha berries, making for nice winter scenes. I also managed to photograph the hoar frost that slowly increased throughout the day, the first time I can remember seeing such a visible change in a short period. Every time I looked out, the crystals on the plants looked larger. Over the coming days, I hope to photograph many more winter scenes, although the travel conditions are likely to limit the distance. I will also aim to produce a guide to winter photography, outlining some of the pitfalls and how to overcome them.